College of Cape Town

The College We Want

The College of Cape Town for TVET is the oldest Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institution in South Africa with a proud history dating back to the beginning of the 20th century.

Four former technical colleges, Athlone College, Cape College, Sivuyile College and Western Province Technical College were officially merged on 1 February 2002 to become the College of Cape Town. This arose from a rationalization in TVET Colleges in which some 150 colleges around the country were reduced to about 50.
The College of Cape Town for TVET is a public TVET College which falls under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training. The College mandate is to provide inclusive quality Vocational Education and Training responsive to the labour market. The College has eight delivery sites or campuses that service students mostly situated in the central area of the Cape Peninsula, and serves the greater Cape Town Metropolitan region, including a significant percentage of the previously disadvantaged areas and townships, (rural and peri-urban areas). All campuses, including the Central Office, are based in the Central Metropole region of Cape Town and are located within an approximately 20km radius. The Central Office is located in Kent Street, Salt River. All campuses are accessible by public transport – bus, Metrorail, and taxi.

Although the majority of the students hail from the greater Cape Town metropolitan region, students from other regions of South Africa, Namibia and African countries and many countries abroad, are accepted.


TVET lecturer development is an ongoing process, mainly due to technological advancements and the ability of lecturers to stay abreast with developments in industry. Both technical and pedagogical skills demand continuous learning. A good example of progressive TVET lecturer development is at the College of Cape Town’s Automotive campus in Athlone. The apprentice facilitators, make use of the HaynesPro workshop system to train apprentices on fault finding and diagnostics to repair and meet not only curriculum requirements but also to industry standards.


  • Athlone Campus: Mechanical Engineering (Automotive).
  • City Campus: Art and Design, Business Studies, Hospitality Studies, Transport and Logistics, and Travel and Tourism.
  • Crawford Campus: Business Studies, Education and Training, Primary Health, and Information and Communication Technology.
  • Gardens Campus (BPO Skills Centre): Business Process Outsourcing Academy.
  • Guguletu Campus: Business Studies and Electrical Engineering.
  • Pinelands Campus: Electrical Engineering; and Trade Testing: Electrical and Refrigeration.
  • Thornton Campus: Building and Civil Engineering, Engineering and Related Design, Mechanical Engineering and Trade Testing: Plumbing and Welding.
  • Wynberg Skills Centre: Beauty Therapy, Haircare and Trade Testing: Hair Care.
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